The Amanita Citrina is Known as The False Death Cap

Amanita Citrina
It is Best to Avoid Ingesting the Amanita Citrina

Mushroom enthusiasts around the world are familiar with the Amanita mushroom genus or “family.” Many of these mushrooms, like Amanita Muscaria and Amanita Gemmata, contain the active components ibotenic acid and muscimol. Mushrooms containing these organic compounds have been studied in-depth. Anecdotal evidence shows they carry numerous potential health benefits. 

However, not all members of the Amanita family contain these active components. Amanita Citrina and Amanita Phalloides contain alpha-amanitin toxin and are poisonous.  A. Citrina has a lower dose and makes people incredibly sick while A. Phalloides has a higher concentration and can cause death in four to twenty-four hours. Both of these mushrooms can be found in the wild and both should never be ingested.  

Amanita Citrina vs. Amanita Muscaria

Both the Amanita Citrina and Amanita Muscaria are known for growing in silicate soil in the summer and autumn months. Some subspecies of A. Muscaria are yellow like some Amanita Citrina. These similarities are great, but that is where they end. These two mushrooms are very different colors and affect the human body very differently.  Most Amanita Muscaria caps are red with little white puff balls on them that can wash off. By contrast Amanita Citrina caps are predominantly white. 

A. Muscaria is dried and eaten for its many therapeutic and medicinal properties. It is known for relieving pain, insomnia, and inflammation while creating a mild psychoactive effect. Amanita Citrina is more commonly known as the “the false death cap” mushroom. It garnered this name as it closely resembles the Amanita Phalloides or “death cap” mushroom which has killed many through accidental ingestion. There has been little to no studies conducted on the Amanita Citrina. So, no health or therapeutic benefits have been identified. 

What happens when Amanita Citrina is ingested?

Reishi Mushroom on a tree
Reishi Mushrooms Are a Wild Mushroom You Can Eat

Most people avoid eating A. Citrina because it is too easily confused with A. Phalloides. If they do pick it up and correctly identify it, people say Amanita Citrina smells of rapeseed or potato. That smell alone is enough to get them to leave it alone. 

But if this mushroom is eaten, it can have adverse side effects. A. Citrina contains the alpha-amanitin toxin. The amounts in single A. Citrina mushrooms have been shown to be small. If one mushroom is ingested, adverse effects are limited and generally mild. However, if they are eaten in larger quantities there are strong adverse effects. Many people have reported intense stomach aches and cramps, coupled with nausea. 

In other cases, people have misidentified Amanita Phalloides as Amanita Citrina, eaten it, and perished. It is highly recommended to avoid A. Citrina and A. Phalloides. If one of them is found in the wild, it is best to take a photograph, move on, and let its life cycle continue without any human interference.   

ShroomBuddy has Amanita Muscaria for Your Self-Care

Amanita Muscaria has often been referred to as a transformational mushroom. Regular microdosing of A. Muscaria has been shown to relieve pain, insomnia, and inflammation while increasing the libido. ShroomBuddy has curated the finest premium selection of A. Muscaria.  Tinctures, gummies, capsules, and powder are all available to ensure the right fit for each customer’s lifestyle. There are also several other mushrooms that can be added to self-care regimens, including Chaga and Reishi. Start your journey by shopping ShroomBuddy’s full mushroom selection.

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