Start The Day on the Right Foot with Lion’s Mane Coffee

Lion's Mane Mushrooms and cup of coffee
Lion’s Mane and Coffee Combine for a Potent Effect

In the endless pursuit of ways to start the day, most people reach for coffee, tea, or juice. But more and more people are reaching for a cup of Lion’s Mane coffee. Really? Mushrooms? For breakfast? It is fast becoming a phenomenon that many people are coming around to. Anecdotal evidence suggests that these mushroom-infused coffee drinks give people more energy, better focus, and an uplifted mood. Many say these effects stay with them throughout the day. Others have admitted that now they have started drinking a cup of Lion’s Mane coffee every morning, they may never stop.

What are Lion’s Mane Mushrooms?

The Lion’s Mane Mushroom, Hericium erinaceus, has played a major role in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. Many claim that Buddhist monks were the first to create teas that used Lion’s Mane mushrooms. Today, it is being widely cultivated for its medicinal properties. It is thought to benefit the liver, spleen, lungs, heart, and kidneys.

Growing on hardwood trees in temperate forests throughout the Northern Hemisphere is where someone might be able to find this mushroom in the wild. The Lion’s Mane has a white body with fronds poking out and hanging down in all directions. The appearance is similar to the mane of a lion. Once harvested, these mushrooms are dried and turned into a powder or tincture.

5 Reasons to Drink Lion’s Mane Coffee in the Morning

1. Rich in Antioxidants

Lion’s Mane mushrooms are packed full of free radical-busting antioxidants. The levels of antioxidants are thought to be what contributes to many of the potential health benefits of Lion’s Mane mushrooms. These benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA, but many mushroom enthusiasts agree that they are present.

Neuroprotection and Neuron Growth: Lion’s Mane has been shown to help people with mental decline. In a study in 2020, participants were given 1 gram of Lion’s Mane daily for 49 weeks. In the end, there was a noted improvement in cognition over those who received a placebo.

Depression and Anxiety Relief: Many researchers believe that depression and anxiety are a result of the reduced function of the hippocampus. Several studies have shown that Lion’s Mane has the potential to improve the hippocampus.

Digestive Tract Protectant: Ulcers form due to the overgrowth of bacteria and damage to the mucous layer of the stomach. Studies show regular use of Lion’s Mane might protect the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine from ulcers.

2. Unique Flavor

Lion’s Mane mushrooms have a natural nutty umami that complements coffee’s bold taste. When they are paired with coffee, it creates a rich unique flavor that can be very satisfying. Many try to compare the flavor to another beverage, but this combination is a flavor that tastes like nothing else.

3. Effects of Coffee and Lion’s Mane

The Lion’s Mane can also help tame the jitters that caffeine can cause in some people. Anecdotal evidence suggests the effects of combining coffee and Lion’s Mane is very uplifting without being over-stimulating. Many report that a brain fog is lifted and they can think more clearly and find it easier to focus on thoughts and tasks.

4. Convenience

Lion’s Mane mushroom coffee can be made using any coffee maker. So, it can be enjoyed any time of the day. And if that isn’t an option, many companies offer pre-portioned packets of instant coffee and Lion’s Mane. These delightful treats only require hot water. So, they can be dropped into any handbag or purse and taken anywhere. Getting hot water is as easy as ordering it at the local restaurant.

5. No Whole Mushrooms

Host Defense Lion's Mane Coffee
Host Defense Lion’s Mane Instant Coffee

For many people the dislike of mushrooms isn’t the flavor, but the texture. While mushrooms may have numerous benefits many people can’t get over how they feel while being chewed. It doesn’t matter if they are sauteed, fried, grilled, or baked, the texture of a mushroom is hard to deny. With Lion’s Mane coffee, there is no mushroom to eat. The mushrooms have been dried and turned into a powder. They mix right into the coffee for a smooth cup of joe. All the benefits without any of the texture

Side Effects of Too Much Lion’s Mane

There have not been many reports of people experiencing temporary negative side effects from consuming more than the recommended amount of Lion’s Mane mushrooms. Some people have reported nausea, upset stomach, and slight skin rash. More severe symptoms, such as swelling, intense abdominal pain, and diarrhea have all been attributed to allergic reactions to Lion’s Mane mushrooms.

ShroomBuddy has Lion’s Mane Coffee Ready to Ship

ShroomBuddy works with some of the largest names in the functional mushroom industry to offer a wide variety of premium mushroom products. We collaborate with Enoki and Host Defense to offer delicious dry-roasted and instant Lion’s Mane coffee. All our products are third-party tested to ensure quality, potency, and efficacy. Once some has been added to the cart, be sure to check out our entire functional mushroom line, including Reishi mushrooms and Chaga.

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